
Interschool Equipment Loan Program

The Science Outreach Program maintains a large inventory of science equipment that we make available to educators. Our goal is to encourage and empower educators to teach students the wonder of God’s creation effectively. View our inventory and reserve equipment using the link below.

Current Loan Room Hours (1/21 - 4/1)

Monday - 2:00pm-4:00pm

Tuesday - 2:30-4:30pm

Wednesday - 2:00-4:00pm

Thursday - 2:30-4:30pm

Friday - Closed

We are closed during school holidays, spring break, and summer break. If you need an exception to this schedule or loan duration, please get in touch with scienceoutreach@georgefox.edu.

Pick-Up and Return Location

Items will be available at your scheduled time in the Edwards-Holman Science Center (EHS) on the 麻豆社 Fox University campus in Room 113. Please park in the lot outside the Wood-Mar/EHS building near Meridian Street and Franklin Street.

Enter the doors facing the parking lot, walk down the stairs to the first floor, and across the atrium. Turn left down the hallway to find the Science Outreach loan, Room 113. A Science Outreach representative will be there to assist you.

Loan Conditions

We're here for you!

Contact the Science Outreach Program if you would like to brainstorm lesson ideas, receive training in equipment use, or request equipment that is not on our list.

Marissa Dickison

Marissa Dickison

Assistant Professor of Biology

Science Outreach Director